Thursday, August 2, 2012

Update #1

Still haven't had anyone come to be a member, but in a while that could change. I am putting the website's URL out there.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blog Entry #1

This is my blog, mainly about Nerf, but other stuff, too. I will post reviews and mods on the guns I review, but for right now, I will start off with the most popular Nerf gun ever, the Maverick Rev-6!

The Maverick was my first Nerf gun, so I didn't know much. It looked just like any other toy, but it is not! It has a Tactical Rail which you can put attachments on, Nerf-made or not. It has a six-dart barrel that sticks out to reload easily by spinning the barrel and filling all six. It is a cock-and-shoot gun and is powerful while accurate within a twenty-foot radius. It looks good, it shoots good, and it is the best Nerf gun a rookie like me can get. Overall, I give it a 10/10 because it is an all-around gun and is favored by even the worst Nerf players.

If you liked my review and want more, I will post frequently, but I strongly encourage you to become a member of my other website, where I will post Nerf DIY's and How-To's. You can visit at

Thanks, Eddie.